Boys and their Toys... aka US Girls....

So the difference between us girls and boys is how we just do things usually it always has something to do with our feelings. I mean when a guy says that he is "over you", he really means he is "OVER YOU"!

Guys in most cases especially in things involving relationships are always down-to-earth, never flinching and accurate. (For some strange reason...)
On the other hand, when a girl confesses that she is finally and irrevocably over the guy she only will mean it for a certain period of time until her heart will start racing back to him.

Us girls sometimes are just too brain dead, prideful or stubborn to realize it.
However, if you do think about it what I'm saying is all true.

1. When a girl and her ex-boyfriend starts talking the guy will act like nothing ever happened and he probably feels that nothing really happened while a girl will silently bawl her eyes out wondering what went wrong.
2. A guy pays attention to a girl he likes and ignores a girl he doesn’t. Us girls on the other hand may or may not follow this rule. We are complicated little creatures who think that flirting with other guys will catch the attention of the guy we like.
(Let me tell you this IT DOESNT WORK! The only reason he'll pay attention to you is because he will surely think you are easy to get aka an easy lay. Especially if he didnt talk to you before.)



1. It's not YOU, It's ME!
If you believe this than your far away from planet earth. What they really mean is that it is us but once we do find out it is us the drama starts. Guys do not like drama. Plus they want to lessen the guilt for they're already breaking up with you. Heres something to think about... If it really was their fault why in the world are they trying to squirm out of the relationship?
2. I think WE need to see OTHER people.
Basically the dude saying, "Ive found a new playmate its time to catch up hun and find one yourself."
3. We can still HANG and be FRIENDS.
OMGOODNESS! I interviewed a classmate of mine to check if my theory was correct and he said, "Yes maam that’s what it exactly mean." So when a guy says something like that he is saying in a nice tone that "Introduce me to your other HOT GIRLFRIENDS..." Do you get it? If you don’t please email me right away...
4. I’m so Jealous of the man you'll be with next.
This line is just stupid and pathetic. Unless the girl breaks up with a guy the little old barf dude shouldn’t use this. AT ALL!

(i will continue with the break up line but my mind is too mashed up with all the homework going on....)

Part one finished!
So yes there is a part two and three and maybe even a part four.....

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