Get This.....

Past Emotions. Past Relationship's. Past Mistakes.

But although a Past remains, there will always be a Future.
However, right now if we linger too long in things that has already ended I assure that we'll never be able to move that far.

(Just simple advice from a demented teenage brat)

So basically I've figured out that we shouldn't neglect even one of our friends. Wow STUPID ME for not realizing sooner! YAH! But at least I realized it at some point. I admit it was a difficult thing to comprehend but i comprehended it. Lol.

Today was like any other day... Boring and boring. Nothing SPECTACULAR occurred except for the fact I had to wake up at 5:00am in the morning to
1. Clean the Kitchen 2. Clean the Kitchen 3.Drive to School for Choir Practice.

The thing is I didn’t have to clean the kitchen but since I was a lazy bum yesterday night and didn’t do the dishes or put away the food I had to do it at some point before the "parent's" woke up. Anyways moving on the part where I had to drive to School. My music teacher and classmates decided that we had to work on our pieces which I totally agree to yet I wished it wasn’t so early in the morning for not even one of the people in the singing room was up enough to decipher which note was which. Plus you had the morning voice, which included croaking, coughing, spitting out flem and such. The noise... I mean singing wasn’t as pretty as it should’ve been but hey we were there and we learned our notes that we will eventually sing later in the day when everyone is up and about.

I am kind of going off topic now... So let me get back - I just wanted to tell all the people reading this a glimpse of what happened this morning. Lol.

Anyways I went online just like 20 minutes ago and as usual I signed in invisible so I wouldn’t get random pop ups from people while my YM was processing. As the Application fully uploaded, a pop up on the upper right corner of my screen appeared to say that someone just logged in or out. This time someone had logged in and to my surprise it was my EX (notice the EX in the sentence) boyfriend. I didn't really care that he went online but I had to change my status so that I wasn’t invisible for the rest of my life. I guess he gets the pop up things on the upper right side of his laptop too for he logged out or aka went invisible when I got on.

So yeah I’m bitter now cause I am really trying so hard to be friends with him and basically I don’t see him contributing. Not that he want's to... But still everyone should be friends... right? Right?
Well I think that everyone should be friend’s... If not friends as least NOT ENEMIES trying to stab each other in the back every chance they get... lol

What does this have to do with treasuring friends? Well I realized that even if my ex boyfriend was part of my past he still was part of my past. He was once my best friend and the person I could lean on in times of peril. And now I don’t have one. Maybe I do but still it’s not the same.

So remember this... Though friends flock to you like sheep looking for something to eat you should treasure each one of them. For none is the same and you'll end up like me regretting every thing and looking back at the once used to be friendship...

And no matter how many times you may say you are sorry and No matter how you may say it... Memories will linger and it will linger for a long time and sting....

I wish I could say sorry and everything would be better.
I wish someone could say sorry to me and things will get better.... oh wait things does get better...

Again the topic continues... ITS A CHOICE! lol

Im so random right now..

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